Macduff Marine Aquarium kelp tank renovation

Main Contractor: Aquarium Technology LTD
Theming contractor: Koda Creative
We were thrilled to be asked by ATL to provide the artificial rock habitat for Macduff Marine Aquarium’s recent kelp tank refurbish. This aquarium is quite remarkable as it is open topped to allow the sun to stream in and enable local kelp species to grow naturally. Koda Creative is always excited to develop habitats which include natural looking geology alongside real flora. This is the first time we have worked in a live kelp setting!
The project started with ATL and MMA staff demolishing the old theming and removing the existing waterproof layer from the aquarium. ATL then applied a new waterproof membrane and resealed the acrylic viewing windows.
Koda Creative, with the input from MMA staff then designed a rock arch similar to a real one on the nearby coastline. It was important that the new rock resembled the local geology as only local species are to be displayed here.
The armature of the new rock arch and other rock elements was then constructed out of inert plastics before being coated with marine grade sprayed concrete. As usual, the concrete was carved and textured like our reference photographs and pigmented further to match the local rock.
The filtration plumbing and life support systems (LSS) are hidden within the artificial rock. The small ‘loose’ stones you see on some of the ledges have the purpose of anchoring the holdfasts of the introduced kelp.