Bristol Zoo Crocodile habitat

Here are a few random photos from a project at Bristol Zoo, UK where we improved the Dwarf African Crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis) and Malayan river turtle (Orlitia borneensis) exhibits along with Aquarium Technology Ltd who were the main contractors. Pictures taken on the day the planting was being introduced and the pools being filled.
Koda Creative were contracted by ATL to spray concrete the pools, making a smooth surface to which ATL applied GRP waterproof liner. After this, we made washed out earth river bank, rockwork, two trees, fallen tree bridge, fallen tree enclosure divider and tree stump waterfall catcher. The purpose of the main tree was to hide a concrete roof support column.
Also during this project we fit in some extra work, a Chinese crocodile lizard (Shinisaurus) vivarium habitat.