Lynx habitat

In the spring of 2018 we built rockwork to hide a service wall in Helsinki Zoo’s new Eurasian Lynx Habitat.
Wombats at Hamerton Zoo Park

Recently we got asked to make the habitat for an animal which we have never worked with before. New animals are always exciting because its kind of cool to be able to ‘tick them off the list’ Some animals are even more exciting than others though. There is something special about Australia for many of […]
London Sealife Aquarium Rainforest Adventure

Koda Creative were contracted by Aquarium Technology Ltd to provide the theming for a recent area refurbishment in London Sealife Aquarium. We provided some trees and rockwork in the new Rainforest Adventure. Here are some pictures of progress in the Cuban crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer) habitat. In here we built some imitation kapok (Ceiba pentandra) trees. We also modified […]
Macduff Marine Aquarium kelp tank renovation

Main Contractor: Aquarium Technology LTD Theming contractor: Koda Creative We were thrilled to be asked by ATL to provide the artificial rock habitat for Macduff Marine Aquarium’s recent kelp tank refurbish. This aquarium is quite remarkable as it is open topped to allow the sun to stream in and enable local kelp species to grow […]
Bristol Zoo Crocodile habitat

Here are a few random photos from a project at Bristol Zoo, UK where we improved the Dwarf African Crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis) and Malayan river turtle (Orlitia borneensis) exhibits along with Aquarium Technology Ltd who were the main contractors. Pictures taken on the day the planting was being introduced and the pools being filled. Koda […]
Trees for orangutans

Koda Creative was invited to join the multi skilled team at Houthoff Zoo Design to help build twelve giant trees in the new Orangutan Forest exhibit at Dublin Zoo. The trees are copies of the kapok and banyan trees found in the Bornean orangutan’s natural habitat, the tropical rainforests of Borneo. Each tree is made from […]
Humboldt Penguin Habitat Scheveningen Sealife Centre

Koda Creative were asked to build the artificial rock for this Humboldt Penguin habitat at Scheveningen Sealife Centre, Holland. We made 165 m2 of rock inspired by the Chilean/Peruvian coastline from where this species originates. Architect on this project was MDM Advies Designer of decoration/theming and project manager was Ton Van Helden
St Michaels Cave entrance – Faking it!

St Michaels Caves are a system of caverns in the Rock of Gibraltar. During recent alterations to public access, the entrance had to be enlarged. This left some ugly strengthening concrete on view. Koda Creative beautified this structural concrete by covering it in our simulated rock. We matched the outside rock to the inside […]
Rockwork and waterfall for West Indies koi pool

These are some pictures from a recent artificial rock project at a private home in The West Indies. The steel and concrete rock structure is built around a plant room which houses the water pumps and filtration for the pool. The services are not connected yet so we did a trial run with a submersible […]
Amazon waterfalls
The image below is a photo of a small waterfall we made in an amazon themed aviary. The trees to the left are 7m high supports for the stainless steel mesh structure and inspired by buttress trees Ceiba pentandra. The buttress trees and rockwork are made from steel, concrete and shotcrete. The brief for this project […]